Duftberg oder dort wo alle Chinesen sind…

…waren wir am Sonntag auch. Uns ( T&T mitsamt Claudia) hatte es mal wieder nach draußen gezogen, noch etwas mehr Beijing zu erobern. Also entschieden wir uns für den längst fälligen Duftberg (Xiangshan), dessen Besteigung wir schon ein paar Mal verschoben hatten. Besonders im Herbst ein lohnenswertes Ziel, weil dann alle Laubbäume in den wunderschönsten Farben blühen.

„Duftberg oder dort wo alle Chinesen sind…“ weiterlesen

Kurztrip nach Shanhaiguan

Für die Golden Week, also dann wenn alle Chinesen unterwegs sind, haben wir uns Shanhaiguan als Reiseziel ausgesucht. Dort versinkt die Große Mauer im Meer und stellt ein fast uneinnahmbares Verteidungsbauwerk dar.

Leider hat das Wetter (und die Stadt an sich) nicht so mitgespielt wie wir uns das gewünscht haben und so folgt ein recht nasser (und leicht genervter) Reisebericht.

„Kurztrip nach Shanhaiguan“ weiterlesen

A little Party

Saturday evening we were invited to a little party (as announced). One of my fellow student was hosting it, and so we decided of course to go, to have our first „late night experience“ here in Beijing. Although we had some problems getting there, it turned out to be a really good idea and party.

It was a very nice and modern apartement with a amazing view into Beijing, huge windows and no building directly in front (11th floor 😉 ), I could’n get enough of looking out, at all the lights and skyscrapers, even though it surely was just a little part of huge Beijing.

At the party, we met, of course, my classmate, who was the host, and also some other classmates of me, so we had some very nice conversations. Tine also met some students she already knew, and so nobody sat disappointed in a corner. We also talked to „new friends“ (I had a very nice conversation with an American guy about Basketball and the Chicago Bulls & Michael Jordon :massa: ), we drank a little bit, ate some snacks, and had a really good time.

Ps. Some photos are attached, they are not good as in the „normal“ way, but how they are right now, you can see the nice lighting in the apartment, and also nobody can complain about beeing here on the page, because you can hardly identify them (The German „Recht am eigenen Bild“ ).